7 Reason to Consider Getting Braces for Adults

Nearly one in five orthodontic patients are adults.

Are you interested in straightening your teeth? Maybe you've considered getting braces but thought that braces are only for kids. 

You're not too old to get braces.

Consider the benefits of braces. Braces can dramatically improve your smile. What's more, braces can help with many oral health issues as well. 

If you're thinking about getting braces as an adult, keep reading for 7 reasons to get braces.

1. Improve Your Oral Health

Getting braces is not just for cosmetic reasons. Straightening your teeth can improve your oral health which is linked to your overall health and well-being. 

Orthodontic treatment such as braces treats a condition called malocclusion, also known as a bad bite. This occurs when your teeth are crooked, crowded, or protruding. This also results in misalignment issues with the teeth or jaws. 

Malocclusion can be hereditary. It can also come from an accident that makes you prematurely lose your teeth. It can also occur from thumb-sucking.

It's harder to clean teeth that are crowded or crooked. This can increase the risk of tooth decay which can lead to gum disease. 

What's more, crooked teeth and a bad bite can affect the way you speak or chew. Crooked teeth can lead to jaw problems if you have a bad bite and it wears away your tooth enamel over time.

With braces, you can straighten your teeth which can result in better oral health. 

2. Oral Health Is Linked to Overall Health

In addition to the above reason, oral health is linked to your overall health. Gum disease is linked to other diseases such as heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, and diabetes. 

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, occurs when the tissue that holds your teeth together is infected. It results from not brushing or flossing properly and a buildup of plaque. 

By taking care of your oral health, you can care for your overall well-being as well. 

3. You Have Options to Choose From

Braces are not the bulky, brace-face contraptions that you may envision. 

Today's braces are less bulky and in your face. There are also options for braces that are barely noticeable. Here are a couple of popular types of braces.


There is the option of traditional metal braces. Today's braces are less noticeable and smaller than before. They also require fewer brackets. 

There is also the option of braces that go on the back of the teeth so that they less conspicuous.

Braces are traditionally made with stainless steel brackets. However, there is also the option of less noticeable brackets such as ceramic or clear plastic brackets. 

Traditional braces are not removable. There are certain foods that your dentist may tell you to avoid such as hard candy, nuts, popcorn, ice, and other sticky foods. 


If you're looking for a less visible option to straighten your teeth, there are clear aligners such as Invisalign. Invisalign are clear aligners that you wear. 

Invisalign aligners are removable. You can remove them when you need to brush your teeth, floss, or eat. However, you do need to wear them a majority of the time for them to work. 

To learn more about which types of braces are best for you, you should talk to your dentist

4. Gain Confidence With Your Smile

The act of smiling can help boost your mood, make you more attractive, and boost the mood of people around you. But what if you're self-conscious about your smile?

Have you always felt self-conscious about smiling big because you don't like the way your teeth look? Maybe you avoid a big smile for photos or in social settings.

Getting braces can help you gain confidence. There is nothing like the feeling of removing your braces after treatment and seeing your new smile in the mirror. 

5. You Don’t Need to Wear Them Forever

How long do you need braces treatment? Although the answer differs for each person, on average braces treatment lasts about two years.

When you're a kid, two years can seem like a lifetime. When you're an adult, however, two years does not seem so bad. Just a couple of years to fix your teeth, improve your oral health, and feel better about your smile. 

6. Your Teeth Will Be Easier to Clean

Crooked or teeth that overlap with each other are harder to clean. It's more difficult to floss or brush teeth that are crowded together. This can lead to a buildup of plaque which increases the chance of developing gum disease. 

By straightening your teeth, you'll make it easier to keep your teeth clean. 

What's more, as an adult, you're more likely to care about your oral health and take the time to care for your teeth and keep them clean. 

7. Fix Issues Associated With Crooked Teeth

In addition to an increased risk of gum disease, there are other oral health issues associated with crooked teeth. 

Some individuals with crooked teeth may experience more wear and tear. The extra wear and tear can increase the chance of cracked teeth. 

Crooked or misaligned teeth can even affect the way you talk and result in speech problems. 

Final Thoughts on Getting Braces as an Adult

If you've always been nervous at the idea of getting braces, remember that braces are not just for kids anymore. By getting braces, you can straighten your teeth and be more confident with your smile.

To learn more if braces are the right option for you, talk to your dentist about braces and the different treatment options. You can contact us and book an appointment today to learn more. 

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